last update: 22-07-2018


The objective of WP4 Ion Exchange Resins was to obtain a better understanding of the 14C source term from spent ion-exchange resins of Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors under different storage strategies and likely release and chemical species under geological disposal conditions. This will be achieved by reviewing the current status of understanding, characterising the 14C inventory and its speciation and undertaking experiments to measure 14C release to gas and solution and its speciation.

The published and expected reports were:

  1. Status on sample choice, analytical techniques and current knowledge of release from spent ion exhange resins
  2. Annual Progress Report on WP4 - year 1
  3. Annual Progress Report on WP4 - year 2
  4. Annual Progress Report on WP4 - year 3
  5. Final report on the estimation of the source term and speciation
  6. Final report on leaching experiments
  7. Final report on gaseous release of C14
  8. Compilation and comparison of data on C14 from SIERs
  9. WP4 Final Synthesis report

The last General Assembly Meeting has been held in France (Lyon) in January 2018 as the CAST Final Symposium. The presentations from this work package were:

Overview of Main WP4 Outcomes, summary and conclusions - Pascal Reiller (CEA)

14C content and speciation of SIERs from PWR - Jerome Comte (CEA-EdF)

14C content and speciation of SIERs from CANDU - Crina Bucur (RATEN-ICN)

14C content and speciation of SIERs from BWR - Andrey Bukaemskiy (FZJ)

Evolution of IERs - Antonietta Rizzo (ENEA)

Cementation of SIERs and consequences on 14C mobility - Petr Vecernik (UJV)

Particular view of a WMO - Klas Källstrom (SKB)


Contact: Pascal Reiller

100% completed